Knowing how to properly maintain your Romeo Y Julieta
Cuban cigar is definitely important. Ensure proper maintenance of the
certified Cigar aficionado or even someone who just got word that they continue
to remain in force smoking cigars fresh and prime condition. Equal importance
is the fact that the cigar mature and improve with age. When properly stored,
the Cigars burn more evenly coupled with smoother taste Otherwise, they
accumulate folds, or be destroyed. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to
keep your cigars maintain their prime quality for an extended period of time.
When you have already spent a good amount
of money, such as Romeo y Julieta
Churchill cigars are high-quality, reliable storage investments is
important. Try searching for reliable humidor to ensure that you will never
lose its flavour Cigars, Choose one that is lined unfinished Spanish CEDAR. It
should be able to hold twice as much than what you're going to keep cigars. You
should also check the air tightness by allowing the lid to fall. A good humidor
usually produces a «Whoosh» voice. It can be kept in moist air, thus making
sure optimal for cigar storage
Put Some Caution
Just to put your cigars, make sure to
wipe the entire inner surface of the timber with a clean Sponge drenched in
distilled water. You also need to install a shallow dish of distilled water in
a humidor, filled with distilled water and then the humidifier inside the lid.
Close the lid and let it stay there for 24 hours, after this period of time,
and repeat the process to open the humidor and allow refilling, humidifier
within 24 hours from now you can remove the water and add the Romeo Y Julieta Cuban cigar dish. This process also
ensures that your Cigars remain moist.
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